
pry bar中文什么意思

发音:   用"pry bar"造句
  • 杠杆
  • 撬杆
  • 撬杠
  • pry:    n. 撬具;杆子,杠杆。 vt. (用杠杆等)撬,撬起, ...
  • bar:    n. 1.棒,杆,条;棒状物。 2.横木,闩。 3.栅栏 ...
  • pry bar gun:    点焊钳
  • single bar and groin pry:    握臂穿腿
  • pry:    vi. (pried) 眼睛盯着看,盯;窥探;刺探,打听 (into)。 n. 1.窥视;窥探。 2.爱刺探的人。 pry about 到处窥探。 pry into other people's affairs 打听别人的事情。 pry out 探出(别人秘密等)。 n. 撬具;杆子,杠杆。 vt. (用杠杆等)撬,撬起,撬动;(用尽方法)使脱离。
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  1. Okay , bring the pry bars in
  2. Such motion produces what i call a " pry bar " effect on your long stem resulting in premature heaadset and folding stem failure
  3. Raiders first scene : steppen right from the stones into the water and along the river has taken , come to the shelf edge for the next boat to pry bar . then return to the middle - left side of the fence before the semicircular bar with pry open the
  4. Raiders first scene : steppen right from the stones into the water and along the river has taken , come to the shelf edge for the next boat to pry bar . then return to the middle - left side of the fence before the semicircular bar with pry open the enter the name of the game


  1. a heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge
    同义词:crowbar, wrecking bar, pry



        pry barとは意味:《工具》バール、てこ棒、台付きてこ◆端部だけが平らになっている鉄の棒。てこの原理で物をこじ開けるのに使用
        pry bar meaning: Noun: pry bar A heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge - crowbar , wrecking bar , pry Type of: lever Encyclopedia: Pry bar
        pry bar artinya:alabangka
        pry bar 뜻:쇠지레
        pry bar перевод:монтировка, монтажка, лапчатый лом


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